
Juris Civilis Disciplina

The firm has proven expertise on the application of IAS in Greece.

The application of the International Accounting Standards for consolidated accounts of listed companies is obligatory throughout the European Union since 1 Jan 2005. The IAS have brought numerous changes in the corporate life of companies, affecting also important areas outside accounting.

In Greece, the introduction of the IAS has created more complications, due to the oblibatory application of IAS also for annual company accounts. A source of troubles between companies and authorities is the relationship between tax law and IAS. The traditional domination of Greek tax law over commercial accounting law cannot be held any more under IAS. Many listed companies still seek solutions for core problems.

Dr. Matsos is the author of the only extensive Greek commentary on the provisions implementing IAS in Greece (cf. publications), a major work of reference for the interpretation of IAS, serving as a main source for solutions, both theoretical and practical. Dr. Matsos has also been a key consultant of the Greek Government for the harmonisation of the domestic legislation with the accounting Directive 2003/51/EC.

The firm combines its own expertise with the practical assistance of specialised accountants and it can deal with every problem concerning the application of IAS.
